Saturday, April 16, 2011

Civic Engagement Day

Yesterday was Civic Engagement Day at Alico Arena.  My group and I had so much fun!!!  Although our presentation didn't win an award, we were VERY happy to see another group win for the same organization - Shy Wolf Sanctuary!!  There were so  many fantastic projects and so much information available!!  All the preparation for the final presentation was well worth it.  I also learned of a Pajama Program.  I had no idea how many thousands of children went to sleep each night wearing the same clothes they'd been in all day and I believe it's a WONDERFUL cause.  Pajama Program was founded by Genevieve Piturro in Harlem, NY.  It's astounding to me that her individual efforts grew into a national organization that now has chapters in 42 states!

Yesterday's festivities really drew my semester to a close.  Although I took other courses that were not civic-engagement related this term, I really feel as though 90% of my time and efforts went to volunteering and being engaged with the community.  And although I have an entire results and discussion section to write for an Experimental Psychology paper, all I can think about is how to stay involved and engaged after this semester ends.  I would have never become involved with my community had FGCU not required it.  I would love to personally thank the board members and faculty who made this a requirement.  At first, I thought I wouldn't have the time and considered it a burden, but now that it's over, I'm saddened.

My Foundations group members and I have decided to contine volunteering with Shy Wolf.  We've gotten a partnership with Petco and plan to hold "Awareness Weekends" the 2nd weekend of every month.  I hope groups working with Shy Wolf down the road will continue the awareness weekends as well.

This semester has truly helped me grow as an's helped me to dig deep inside myself and find talents and passions I never knew existed.  I've done some research on the side regarding Eco-Fi, an eco-fiber that is produced from PET soda bottles...and after creating a mock-marketing project based on the material, I'm highly considering looking into a REAL company...I think it would be amazing.

I can't thank my teachers enough for this amazing experience this semester.  If it weren't for the interesting articles assigned for reading from Prof. Seay and the Civic Engagement movies and books assigned by Prof. Satkoski, I wouldn't have discovered this hidden passion for the environment and society.

This has truly been my most rewarding semester of school ever.....which speaks volumes considering I've been an on and off student for ten years now...I just hope other students took away the same amount of reward as I did!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

poor little birdie

so as I'm sitting at my desk, I hear this bang against the front door of our office....a poor little bird smashed face first into the glass :(  i thought it was dead at first!  It must've just been stunned...after about 7 minutes of not moving, it shook its head and flapped away  birds are much more resilient than I thought! LOL

On another note, last night we had an editing session in Foundations for our final reflective essays.  I read papers about ECHO, CROW and Candlelighters.  While Candlelighters is a fantastic foundation supporting local families who have children with cancer, ECHO and CROW are animals rescue and rehabilitation organizations.  I love the efforts I read about in CROW.  I hate the thought of kill shelters...any organization that helps rehabilitate and release animals is fantastic in my book!!! I've always been an animals lover...all the information I've read and learned over this semester has truly opened my eyes to experiences I would've never even thought twice about! I'm excited for summer! I'm not taking any classes and plan to volunteer at ECHO as well as continue helping Shy Wolf Sanctuary!

Colloquium has sent me into a whirlwind of "GO GREEN!" ....everyone laughs at me because of how conscious I've become of my surroundings...I recycle EVERYTHING now...and not just by throwing it in the recycling bin...I actually rinse everything out, tear off labels, etc etc before anything.  I seperate my paper from my plastics and cardboard...and I've been doing a lot of reading about eco-friendly things!

I'm truly grateful that FGCU requires this course.  It's taught me a lot - not only about the environment around me, but about myself as well!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

alligator alley

it never gets old...but certainly more interesting! I'm always the one driving across the alley so I never get to truly look around me.  my husband drove this past weekend and i was able to stare out the window into the glades and see so many things I never noticed before! I've always been intrigued by the amount of lush greeness out there, but after literally staring out the window for an hour, I saw so much more! I officially saw my first gator sunbathing on the side of the canal that runs parallel to the road...and I saw some really awesome HUGE bird nests in the trees.  Didn't catch sight of any large cats or anything of the sort, but I didn't really expect to either.  I drove by one part towards the middle of the alley where there was a large tower and all I wanted to do was pull over and climb to the top so I could stare out over the wetlands.   After reading and learning so much information about the Everglades this semester, I have a new-found appreciation for them and think it's absolutely fascinating.  I would love to go out into the deep Everglades and see what it's all about...then again, I'd be scared like a little kid that I'd run into a panther or alligator. LOL.....

I guess I'll stick with the guided tours for exploring on my own!! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Harold the Turtle!

So there was a turtle roaming the parking lot at my job...and in the rain, my husband and I ran outside to rescue it from the cars flying through here like they're on I-75.  I wasn't sure where exactly to move him since this is an office park, but we found a nice grassy-tree-bush area and put him there.... he didn't have webbed feet, so I assume he is a land, when it was raining he was trying to avoid it at all costs..

so here's to Harold the Turtle...may you make it back home safely buddy, wherever that is!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

wind turbines: the great debate

So I recall reading an article about wind turbines and their usefulness earlier this semester.  amongst all the wonderful positives for the environment, come a few negatives, such as noise pollution and birds flying dead smack into the blades.  This semester I learned of sustainability and what efforts go into it.  I feel like those complaining most about the off shore turbines are the ones less likely to conserve.  Large houses, gas guzzling vehicles and waste of energy is their contribution to the environment.  One day the fossil fuels will diminish...and then what?  Will they look back and think to themselves, "hmm, maybe I should have been slightly more welcoming of those wind  turbines and solar power evergy ideas"?  only time will tell......

Friday, April 1, 2011

a change of scenery....

This week I had to make a day trip to Ft. Lauderdale to help with preparations for a friend's's astounding the change in scenery.  Everything in Naples is so "perfect" ...never a piece of trash on the ground, no homeless people standing on the corner of every major intersection...and lots of middle-upper class people driving their (mostly) expensive cars...most with out of state tags because of "season" nice as it is to live in a city that takes such pride in its landscape and upkeep, but at the same time, it's nice to be in Fort Lauderdale, where I don't feel so out of place.   I've never lived in such a clean city.  I grew up in South Jersey (AKA the armpit of America) and then in Phoenix (can you say smog?) and then Ft. Lauderdale (hello pollution)....Naples is so different.  People stare at me when I drive around blasting my radio and screaming along to the lyrics...The elder folk stare me down as I drive 5-10 mph over the speed limit...(seriously, I've been scolded 3 times since I moved here while sitting at a red light)'s so strange.  Ft. Lauderdale is what im used to-it's where I spent my teen years and early 20''s the place that molded me into what I am now and I LOVE going back to visit. 

Downtown is amazing to me.  There's so much to do and such a different array of people.  My husband and I are going back next weekend (8-10) for the actual wedding and I'm super excited to go out and party it up on the beach.  I need a break after all this school work!!!!!

Time to cut loose and have a blast in a REAL city!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Naked Came the informal review

now that the formal paper is's time to give the informal review =)

LOVED LOVED LOVED this book.  completely unexpected and delightfully surprising!

First of all, these authors REALLY know their stuff...the depictions of Miami are incredible.  They referenced places I haven't been to in YEARS.  News Cafe....LOVE IT!  Miami Beach...LOVE IT!  I remember the days of parties until 6am then watching the sun rise on the beach just down the road.  I remember the AMAZING authentic Cuban cafes and the INCREDIBLE all hours of the night, of course, because nothing ever closes in

I loved the point of view from Booger...I've always loved manatees and hated boaters with no regard for them...I loved that Marion was 102...I of course hated that she was murdered over a fake Castro head, but still, loved that she was 102 nonetheless.  She reminded me of my friend's grandmother a lot.  Her naked twilight swims in the bay with Booger and her selling a fake Castro head for a million bucks, specifically.  My friend's grandmother used to go naked twilight swimming in the inlet by her house near 195 in Miami...I used to tell her she was crazy...she used to tell me I was crazy for not joining her... her, at her ripe ole' age of  She was brilliant..and when she passed (bless her soul)...she left a key to my friend, that key went to a safety deposit box holding 500k in cash...and she was told to buy a house and a car and live happily...and never depend on a man. LOL...she really was brilliant.

I'm glad I chose this book...I almost chose Strip Tease simply based on the fact that I've seen the movie and enjoyed it, so the book had to be even better...but this was the perfect read for me.  I think I might have to try and find some other books written by the same authors.  They did a spectacular job with this, especially considering it was a conglomeration of a bunch of different things written by different people!!

Again, on a scale of 1-10, I give it an 11! =)


This week has been insanity....and it's still not over.  With 4 papers due tomorrow by midnight, I'm cramming like I've never crammed before :(

I've barely gotten outside of school, work and my house other than to drive in between those places.  I am, however, getting my dose of nature by reading Naked Came the Manatee for Colloquium.  I didn't expect to be so caught up in the book....but I am!  I know it's meant to be somewhat comical, but at the same time, the descriptors used for nature are just fascinating!  Coming to Naples from Broward County, I can accuarately picture everything the authors describe - the people on the streets, the bodies of water, the body in the water, the way Booger the manatee floats a long the river....all of it I've seen before and I love that it reminds me of the places I lived for 13 years (well, not so much the body in the water, but everything else, of course). 

I'm almost finished with the book...then it's time to write the paper that goes along with it...then off to find a body of water to do my other paper...

thank goodness for daylight savings least I know it'll still be light outside when I go!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Michelle Trica, a local photographer here in Naples, is attempting a new piece of art this weekend.  She's attempting to cover a wall with 1,000 photos of diverse people in order to help people realize naples isn't just the white guys golfing on the brochures.  I think this is an amazinggggg idea.  I just found out yesterday that Michelle is a friend of my boss's and Tammy (my boss) already went to have her photo taken! I think this is fantastic. 

Ever since I moved to Naples I've told my husband that it is so different.  Coming from South Broward, I lived amongst diversity for a good 13 years of my life.  I was the minority! The Hispanic population totally dominated caucasian.  There were over a thousand students in my graduating class, over 700 were hispanic.  It seemed crazy to me at first, but once I moved to Naples, I missed it.  People here seem so narrow minded.  It's like naples is the place for older folks to come retire and play golf, or for seasoners to come play in the sun for a few months out of the year.

The older people I've met here (I'm not speaking for them all, but only those I've spoken with) truly think Naples is for white people...I just don't understand that.  They see hispanics or african americans and they look down upon them.  I could never live in that mind set and just dont understand how they could.

I'm excited to go see Michelle and have my picture taken.  It's going to be an honor to be a part of this project!!!!

more info:

Thursday, March 17, 2011


it's so nice having more daylight hours!!!!  today, for the first time in months, I saw the moon in the sky while the sun was blazing bright!! The sunsets even seem more beautiful than before!  Crazy how that happens all because of a time change.

On another note, Sunday is the 3 year anniversary of the death of someone very close to me.  We used to have a spot in a state park in ft. lauderdale where we would go just to stare at the water and watch nature unfold around us.  The last time I went was 3.5 yrs ago before he died.  Taking colloquium and foundations this semester has made me much more in touch with nature than I've been in a while...I think I'm going to go back this year.  I've stayed away because it triggers painful memories...but I feel like after taking a new perspective on the earth and all its natural beauty, I can once again go back to our special place....sit and watch nature unfold, just as we used to.

I have to thank FGCU for requiring colloquium and foundations....I truly believe it would have been MUCH MUCH longer before I returned if I didn't have to take the's to accepting life and what it throws at you...and being able to pick up the pieces to move on....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

return to summerland ranch

So a few items were left at summerland ranch after the weekend's festivities, and I drove up there yesterday to pick them up.  It looked SO different without all the setups!  I saw a lot more natural life (animals, bugs, critters, etc) than I did over the weekend, probably because there weren't a gazillion people running around back there.  I walked right past a snake (I nearly screamed) and there were 2 rabbits hanging out where our food station was.  I think this just shows how humans impeding upon land that belongs to animals really does impact their habitats.  I would've never gotten to see the animals in their comfort zone, so to speak, if I hadn't returned on a quiet afternoon.

It was flat out lovely to see.  There's nothing better than watching an animals in it's home...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Summerland Ranch

I spent this entire weekend helping with the Sacred Wolf Path Celebration at Summerland Ranch in Bonita Springs.  Shy Wolf throws the event annually, and all I can say is WOW!  Although the turnout wasn't as great as we'd hoped, I really had a chance to bond with nature.  The property is tucked far back on a dirt road and is full of trees and trails to explore.  There was music vendors healers readers and a drumming circle! It was so much fun!  I really felt like I was truly a part of nature!  Everything was set up around the trees and in little spaces tucked away on the paths.  There was a lot of chanting and meditation...I even had my cards read!  I really never believed in the power of healers and readers, but it was SO on point that it was scary!  I feel closer to nature more now than ever! I can't wait to help with other events!!  I might even attempt camping in a tent...something I swore I'd NEVER do...but if I can spend two days posted up in the middle of a mini-forest for this event, I think I could handle it! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

the same egret...

Every day when I pull into work the same egret is wandering around in front of my office.  It's always trying to rummage through bushes and trees for food.  I always go out of my way to not disturb the bird when I'm walking to the front door, but other people are so rude.  The poor bird is only pecking in bushes for food - it's not bothering anyone.  There's a law office next door to my office.  Every morning a girl is dropped off by her boyfriend or husband (whichever he is) and they stand out front smoking before she goes inside.  Not only does he REALLY make me mad by throwing his cigarettes in the street, instead of in the ashtry provided, he likes to mess with the Egret.  He'll start to run towards it just to scare it away...or toss his cigarette in its direction.  I feel like that's a form of animal cruelty, even though he isn't directly harming the bird.  What if he tossed his cigarette and the bird tried to eat it?!?! I bet he wouldn't laugh about it then.

I swear, I like animals more than humans most of the time.  The animals were here first...we invaded their territory and land and turned their home into our own habitat.  Sometimes I wish a big scary animal would chase after a few of the humans I've encountered in my day.  Don't judge me for saying that....I'd just like to see inconsiderate humans squirm a little.  =)

On another note, tomorrow and Sunday is the Shy Wolf Fundraiser.  So far this semester I've donated 26 awesome hours to Shy Wolf Sanctuary...I had a lot of fun doing it.  But I sure am glad it's coming to a close.  Between three jobs and school, all the extra volunteering is running me down.  Spring break will be just that - a TRUE break!  Going to spend my time reading "Naked Came the Manatee" for Colloquium...I won't have enough downtime to get through it if I don't do it then.

I'm sure I'll have pictures and reports after this weekend's festivities.  There's also a strawberry and indie music festival in NE naples this weekend by Gulf Coast HS...I went last night but they were barely set up.  Going to go back on Sunday and check out the awesome vendors and bands!  :) 

...till then.....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I feel like I've been living under a rock.  I just flipped on the news to find out that Volusia and Brevard county have a wildfire destroyingover 16,000 acres of central Florida.  I'm hoping the coming rain will help with the fires.  Fire scares me more than anything else.  The winds could shift and it could easily change directions to scortch even more land than before.

the poor poor tree...

so every Tuesday we have maintenance men who come to my office park and do landscaping cleanup.  There's this really awesome tree that stands in the middle of some flowered the maintenance men always bind the trunk and tie the ropes to beams that help keep the tree sturdy.  Apparently they didn't tie it too well this time and the tree fell over...3 times.  Now most of the flowers and flower buds on the tree are on the ground and it affected the bushes it fell onto as well.  I hope the tree doesn't fall over again.  I couldn't imagine being that tree.  I've always been an advocate of the idea that anything living (tree animal or plant) can physically feel pain.  I've never pulled leaves from trees or plucked grass from the ground.  I can only imagine it screaming "ow" as people walk all over it.  I always take sidewalks and walkways - after all, that's what they were built for anyway! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Undersea Hotel...hmmm

so they say "if you're gonna dream - dream BIG!" I decided to come up with a ridiculous goal for myself today.  I googled "underwater hotel" and came across this  undersea resort off an island in Fiji.  At first I was like SCORE! it was gorgeous and seemed so be able to wake up with dolphins fish sharks and more all swimming around my little bubble under the ocean...

until I realized that as beautiful as that would be, it is COMPLETELY unnatural.  There's a reason humans weren't built to breathe under water...and why fish werent built to survive on the land.... because we're not meant to disturb eachother's habitats!!!!!

I think I would fall over dead if I was walking down the street only to see a sandshark slithering down the sidewalk in my why in the *beep* would a fish, shark, or anything else want to see me sleeping in the middle of its territory?! the rooms and resort are 40 ft below the surface - well into the middle of a coral reef.  This would disturb the habitat of so many creatures - I couldn't imagine being a part of it.  As beautiful as it SEEMS...I leave it at that.  I can't condone disturbing an environment nature intended to be beautiful and undisturbed!!!!!!

Poseidon Resorts

Gorgeous, but at what cost?!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

a day at Shy Wolf

I spent today at Shy Wolf Sanctuary doing a training course.  We learned about animal handling techniques and how to handle situations which may arise.  There's so much going on at all times there!  I of course expected the wolfdogs, wolves and cougars to be noisy since 20 people were crowded around their homes...but I didn't take into consideration all the liveliness around them!  Squirrels were just hanging out around the trees...seemed as if they were playing tag lol...the prairie dogs were rambunctious as well.  Seemed as though all the animals were super happy to have visitors (even though I'm sure they're used to it with all the group walk-throughs!)

I love the sense of nature I get when I visit Shy Wolf.  It's amazing to me that it's in someones back yard, yet can make me feel like I'm in the middle of a the wild animals are not in our territory, but as if I'm invading theirs!

Friday, February 18, 2011

busy busy busy

so between 3 jobs and school I've slightly slacked on blogging over the last week...but I'm back now :) Since I don't carry my computer in my purse at all times there's a few things I'd like to point out that I stumbled upon over the last week.

First off, we had our fundraiser at Petco for Shy Wolf last weekend and it was a success! We had wolfdogs at the table with us which drew a very large crowd!  We raised a lot of awareness about the mis-care of exotic pets and promoted our fundraiser event for March 5th and 6th.  I'm super excited - hopefully it goes off with a bang!! (flyer below...I designed it!  Publisher creativity at its finest!)

On another note, I saw a REALLY awesome looking bird yesterday while driving to my second job.  I wanted to pull over and take a picture, but there was no shoulder for me to do so :(  It was large and black with white markings on its wings.  It seemed like it was doing a mating stance or something.  There was another one across the lake but all white just staring at the black one.  I wish birds could talk so I could understand what was going on! LOL...

On a note-so-awesome note, I saw a dead animal on the side of the road yesterday.  At first I thought it was a raccoon or possum (because they are EVERYWHERE)...but as I drove past, I realized it was a cat :(  I called animal services to have it removed from the roadway :(  I have 5 cats myself and it saddens me when I see things like that :(

This weekend is the first weekend in months I'll have a day off to myself.  I'm highly considering going to the beach to clear my head.  The sound of the waves and the Western sunset always calms my nerves and brings this serene feeling to me.  I'll have pictures to post then :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

back from Denver

Denver was simply fabulous.  The weather was -1 to 27 while I was there and I wouldn't have had it any other way.  I haven't seen snowfall like that in DECADES.  I miss the cold.  Being there for a week just made me appreciate the weather even more.  I was the one driving so it made it difficult to stare out the windows of the car...but I still snuck in peeks when I could!  The mountains were snow covered with trees running down them...the air was crisp and almost hit me like a frying pan to the face when I left the hotel on the first morning.  I miss no humidity..its been 13 years since I was in a climate with no humidity...and now all I want is to go back!  The black ice was slightly scary, but the snow made it all worth it!  I attemted snowboarding and quickly learned that just because I can skateboard does NOT mean I can snowboard.  Activities in the snow are like activities on the beach...MUCH harder than on asphalt! While I was treking up the side of a mountain, all I could think of was long walks on the beach and how it was SO much harder than regular walking!  The snow slows you down and takes the wind out of you, just like the sand!  I found it interesting that I could find a comparison to Florida while in -1 degrees LOL...pix to come soon :)

on a last note, I will live in Colorado one day.  Boulder would be nice...definitely Winter Park or Fraser if I could manage to find a job.  I can't think of anything more fulfilling and wonderful than waking up every day to mountains outside my window!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Colorado!!! ABSOLUTELY amazing!!!! i never want to go home!! I spent the day driving from Denver Intl Airport to Winter Park (about 2 hrs west) and loved every second of the drive!!! The mountains are simply breathtaking and the snow is OBSCENE! I remember snow from when I was younger in New Jersey but it was NEVER like this...especially since they got hit with 24" of snow yesterday lol...simply beautiful..cant wait for snowboarding tomorrow!! All the snow looks so white and excited to go mess it up!!  Its amazing to me that I left 80 degrees in Florida this morning...and now its 10 degrees here in Colorado!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Denver in 2 days

So I'm supposed to be going to Denver in 2 days.  While I'm here complaining of sweating in 80 degree weather in the beginning of February, the midwest is getting slammed with the great blizzard of 2011.  Unreal.  I hope we even make it there and our flight doesn't end up being cancelled.  Temperatures are in the negatives...highs are in the teens.  I can't believe this was our bright idea 8 months ago...didn't seen so bad then! LOL...  I watched the live weather cams in Denver and it's beautiful, yet frightening all at the same time.  Bottom layer of ice, covered by a few inches of snow, which was then frozen over to make an icy top layer.  I really hope I don't end up hurting myself!!!!!

I'll have much more to report once I'm there and experiencing the weather first hand.  I've spent the last 3 days shopping for much warmer clothing than I had anticipated needing originally lol...even with 3 layers, I still don't think I'll be warm enough.  It's amazing to me that in a 1300 mile span, weather can be so drastically different! 80 warm and sunny here....-11 frigid and a winter wonderland there!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shy Wolf!

Today I got to experience the awesomeness that is Shy Wolf!  I thought they were amazing to begin with...their message is just astounding...the selflessness and the perseverence it takes to run that place just leaves me speechless.  There are so many beautiful animals...I wish I had a house in the Estates with acres for a wolf dog to run! I would definitely adopt one!  We began working on our foundations proposal and we'll be helping SWS with a fundraising event the weekend of March 5th and 6th.  Music, food, raffles, drum circle, meditation and healing...its going to be so amazing.  I can honestly say before taking colloquium and foundations, I was the indoor-must-have-ac-dont-really-like-to-get-dirty sort of girl...but now I'm ecstatic to get out there, play with animals, and get dirty!!!!  This is going to be an amazing experience!!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So this week's assignment is about the I'm trying to get some people together to go take an airboat ride! I hope I can find a few!  This should be fun!  If I cant find someone to go with, I'm at least going to visit Everglades City and check out the tourist info spot!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

a day in Tampa!

I drove to Tampa yesterday afternoon with my husband to attend a concert at the St. Pete Times Forum.  I've been to Tampa before, but I drove over from Orlando, up from not Naples.  The drive from Naples is absolutely STUNNING!  Once we hit Pinellas/Hillsborough counties, I was literally in awe.  The view from the bridges was just beautiful. It almost reminded me of the view from the 7-mile bridge to Key West.  The birds were swooping to the water to catch fish, the waves were crashing against the seawalls, and the city was gleaming behind the sparking water.  The architecture of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge was just .....unbelievable.  I haven't seen a bridge like that since I lived in New Jersey!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I just saved a turtle!

While driving home from the store, I noticed something in the road near the entrance to my community.  As I got closer, I noticed it was a turtle! I'm not sure what type it was...if I had my phone handy I wouldve snapped a pic...but alas, I didn't.  Cars were speeding through (as they always do) so I stopped my car in front of the turtle, put on my hazards and stood in the middle of the street until it safely crossed.  I stopped 4 cars from nearly running it over.  It amazes me that people don't pay better attention when driving. 

I always watch the road for critters crossing the street.  Just yesterday morning I was leaving my community for work and there was a mama bird leading her little ones across the road near the golf course.  I stopped and waited until all of them were out of the street, which took an entire traffic signal cycle.  The guy behind me was laying on his horn and yelling obscenities at me..."Are you *BEEP* stupid?  Move the h-e-double hockey-sticks out of the way" .....i told him there were animals crossing the street, and his reply? "So what! I've got a job to be at!" ....I have to wonder if he truly wanted me to just run them over.  I'm glad I was first at the light instead of him!

I've always had more compassion for animals than humans...I used to think it was wrong to feel that way, but people like the idiot from yesterday support my decision!

Love this weather!

This weather is crazy.  It's January and I'm outside in tank tops and capris.  As much as I hate the heat, I'm very excited to not have to bundle up like the people in the New England area.  I've been loving this weather recently, though! Overcast, damp/moist air.....that feel of rain.  I've always wanted to live in the NW U.S. and I think the idea has become cemented over the last week.

The fog has been getting worse over the last few days, but that just means more moisture in the air! I'd rather deal with cool, damp weather than the blazing 106 degree heat in July!

As much as I adore this weather, in the back of my mind I know it's due to global warming.  I read in the Earthweek Diary that temperatures surpassed record highs this year...that worries me a lot.  I know I won't see any profound changes during my lifetime, but I worry for my great grandchildren.  We have to act now, so they can enjoy earth, just as we have, later.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Penguin Awareness Day!!

Today is penguin awareness day!! I love penguins.  They were always my favorite exhibit at the zoo, and I got to interract with them a few times! I think I just may have to watch Happy Feet later to get my penguin fill =)

On another note, I'm really enjoying the reading for Colloquium.  There are so many neat and fun facts about the everglades.  Also, learning facts about the saw grass in the everglades really put into perspective the meaning behind "Sawgrass Expressway" or Sawgrass Mills on the east coast.  I never knew, nor did I really care, as to why the mall or highway carried those names, but NOW I GET IT!

I'm truly learning more than I thought I would!!

Friday, January 14, 2011


I had an orientation class for another course yesterday and found out that the girl sitting next to me is in the same Colloquium class as me!  I now have a field trip buddy! :)

Shy Wolf Sanctuary got back to me regarding service hours also..I'm so stoked to work with the wild dogs/cats, etc.  I've always loved animals and volunteered at Humane Society and other shelters...this is going to be AWESOME!

littering is annoying.

I may not be the most "green" person ever, but it absolutely annoys me when people are just lazy.  I just watched a guy walk by my office windows...smoking a cigarette and drinking a soda.  There are trash cans and ashtrays about 15 feet down the sidewalk.  Instead, the cigarette is thrown to the ground and the can is left on a ledge...I guess he thinks someone is here to clean up behind him.  I feel like posting a sign stating "Clean up behind yourself - your mother doesn't work here"  or better yet "Mother" nature is NOT your mother. Clean up behind yourself!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Home" Trip

I took my "home" trip this evening and strolled my neighborhood to discover the nature that surrounds me!
1. How old is the house?
Built in 1987
2. Of what materials is it constructed?
Wood Frame
3. How environmentally efficient is the house in terms of insulation, use of energy efficient appliances, air conditioning & heating, etc.?
I feel that the house is not very efficient at all.  The sealing on the doors and windows seems to be old.  I can feel cold drafts when it is cool outside.  Also, although I set my thermostat to 75 and it is registering the same, the A/C unit does not turn off.  This just cements my idea that there are drafts coming through the doors and windows.
4. How much space is in the home, and how many people are living there?
The entire condo is 957 sq. ft. and there are two of us living here (myself and my husband) along with our kitties (who we often refer to as our kids)
5. How close is your home to your work, school, etc.?
I work 2 different jobs and attend FGCU, so I go 3 miles to job #1, then about 2 more miles to job #2.  FGCU is approximately 20 miles (30 mins) from my house.
6. How is your house landscaped?
there are bushes surrounding the first floor of the buildings, and grassy areas in between the buildings.  There is the golf course also, and all lawn care is done twice a week.  The area is very well manicured, but does not look very natural.
7. How much yard do you maintain, and does yard maintenance require the use of chemicals or gasoline - powered equipment?
I do not personally maintain any of the grounds surrounding my condo since it is a managed community; however, I do see maintenance men on the grounds twice a week.  They use various bug-killing chemicals and many gas-powered lawn mowers.  I can sometimes smell the fumes when I'm walking to my car.
8. Do you have a pool that you maintain and utilize?   If so, what chemicals are you handling & storing to keep the pool clean?
We do have a pool, but like the lawn, it is kept maintained by the management company.
9. What household chemicals & agents do you store?   Where & how do you store them?
The only chemicals kept in my house are a few cleaning agents, such as windex, tilex, and detergents (laundry and dish).  Because I have pets, I choose to use a steam mop to sanitize my floors, and microfiber cloths to clean/dust.  I can't seem to give up my windex for glass and tilex for bathrooms just yet, though!
10. What other creatures live in and around your home?   Make a detailed inventory?
In my home: 5 cats (yes, 5!) Noel (15 yrs), Little (5 yrs), Mattie (5.5 yrs), Friday (4 yrs) and Lilly (6 months).  Other than the sugar ants who inhabited my kitchen when I first got here in September, I've seen no other creatures IN my home.
Around my home: birds in the trees (I still hope the bird eggs made it safely to a new nesting tree!).  There are also lizards EVERYWHERE and lots of birds, in the trees and on the ground.
11. Finally, ask yourself the question of what constitutes a natural versus an unnatural environment. Is your home a natural or unnatural environment?
I believe a "natural environment" is an undisturbed environment.  Houses in Golden Gate Estates are in more of a natural environment than my own.  My community has many many buildings, villas, townhouses, etc.  Some sort of natural environment was torn down in order to lay the greens for the golf course.  The closest I feel to nature at my house is when I stare out west from the balcony and watch the sky turn a gorgeous pink/purple/orange color at sunset.
12. Are you "of nature" or "apart" from it? What makes you think that?
Although I do not feel like I live in a natural environment, I do believe SW Florida as a whole is a natural environment.  Because I've always lived in very urban areas up until 2009, I feel a part of nature more now than ever!

no more birds :(

I got home today after work and school only to find that the nest was no longer there :(  I noticed maintenance had cut leaves/branches off the trees in the neighborhood, and I'm sad to say that I think they took the bird's nest with them.  It's a sad sad thing to see nature disturbed and destroyed in such a manner.  The level of disregard for natural environment just eats at me.  I really hope the eggs survived somehow....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

and it begins...

I've never kept a journal or blog before...but I'm currently enrolled in the University Colloquium class and am required to keep one! so here goes....

I'm expecting to learn a lot about the environment around me.  I lived in Southeast Florida (Ft. Lauderdale) for 11 years.  Lots of buildings, construction sites and torn down natural environments.  When I first moved to Florida, I lived in Weston (when it was still 85% everglades).  I remember sitting on my patio, which overlooked the glades, and thinking how beautiful it was - especially at sunset.  I moved to downtown Ft. Lauderdale and lived there for 9 years...lots of cars, pollution, trash, etc etc.  When I left Ft. Lauderdale and moved to Naples in August 2009, I began my journey down the road of appreciation.  Since I moved to SW Florida, I find myself appreciating small things - like birds' nests in trees and watching birds eat in water-soaked grassy fields.  I'm hoping that I get to learn much more about the environment around me.

I'm excited to get home later tonight from work!  There's a nest in the tree outside of my balcony!  Babies are coming very soon! Just hope I get to see them!!