Friday, March 4, 2011

the same egret...

Every day when I pull into work the same egret is wandering around in front of my office.  It's always trying to rummage through bushes and trees for food.  I always go out of my way to not disturb the bird when I'm walking to the front door, but other people are so rude.  The poor bird is only pecking in bushes for food - it's not bothering anyone.  There's a law office next door to my office.  Every morning a girl is dropped off by her boyfriend or husband (whichever he is) and they stand out front smoking before she goes inside.  Not only does he REALLY make me mad by throwing his cigarettes in the street, instead of in the ashtry provided, he likes to mess with the Egret.  He'll start to run towards it just to scare it away...or toss his cigarette in its direction.  I feel like that's a form of animal cruelty, even though he isn't directly harming the bird.  What if he tossed his cigarette and the bird tried to eat it?!?! I bet he wouldn't laugh about it then.

I swear, I like animals more than humans most of the time.  The animals were here first...we invaded their territory and land and turned their home into our own habitat.  Sometimes I wish a big scary animal would chase after a few of the humans I've encountered in my day.  Don't judge me for saying that....I'd just like to see inconsiderate humans squirm a little.  =)

On another note, tomorrow and Sunday is the Shy Wolf Fundraiser.  So far this semester I've donated 26 awesome hours to Shy Wolf Sanctuary...I had a lot of fun doing it.  But I sure am glad it's coming to a close.  Between three jobs and school, all the extra volunteering is running me down.  Spring break will be just that - a TRUE break!  Going to spend my time reading "Naked Came the Manatee" for Colloquium...I won't have enough downtime to get through it if I don't do it then.

I'm sure I'll have pictures and reports after this weekend's festivities.  There's also a strawberry and indie music festival in NE naples this weekend by Gulf Coast HS...I went last night but they were barely set up.  Going to go back on Sunday and check out the awesome vendors and bands!  :) 

...till then.....

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