Friday, February 11, 2011

back from Denver

Denver was simply fabulous.  The weather was -1 to 27 while I was there and I wouldn't have had it any other way.  I haven't seen snowfall like that in DECADES.  I miss the cold.  Being there for a week just made me appreciate the weather even more.  I was the one driving so it made it difficult to stare out the windows of the car...but I still snuck in peeks when I could!  The mountains were snow covered with trees running down them...the air was crisp and almost hit me like a frying pan to the face when I left the hotel on the first morning.  I miss no humidity..its been 13 years since I was in a climate with no humidity...and now all I want is to go back!  The black ice was slightly scary, but the snow made it all worth it!  I attemted snowboarding and quickly learned that just because I can skateboard does NOT mean I can snowboard.  Activities in the snow are like activities on the beach...MUCH harder than on asphalt! While I was treking up the side of a mountain, all I could think of was long walks on the beach and how it was SO much harder than regular walking!  The snow slows you down and takes the wind out of you, just like the sand!  I found it interesting that I could find a comparison to Florida while in -1 degrees LOL...pix to come soon :)

on a last note, I will live in Colorado one day.  Boulder would be nice...definitely Winter Park or Fraser if I could manage to find a job.  I can't think of anything more fulfilling and wonderful than waking up every day to mountains outside my window!

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