Tuesday, April 12, 2011

poor little birdie

so as I'm sitting at my desk, I hear this bang against the front door of our office....a poor little bird smashed face first into the glass :(  i thought it was dead at first!  It must've just been stunned...after about 7 minutes of not moving, it shook its head and flapped away ...lol  birds are much more resilient than I thought! LOL

On another note, last night we had an editing session in Foundations for our final reflective essays.  I read papers about ECHO, CROW and Candlelighters.  While Candlelighters is a fantastic foundation supporting local families who have children with cancer, ECHO and CROW are animals rescue and rehabilitation organizations.  I love the efforts I read about in CROW.  I hate the thought of kill shelters...any organization that helps rehabilitate and release animals is fantastic in my book!!! I've always been an animals lover...all the information I've read and learned over this semester has truly opened my eyes to experiences I would've never even thought twice about! I'm excited for summer! I'm not taking any classes and plan to volunteer at ECHO as well as continue helping Shy Wolf Sanctuary!

Colloquium has sent me into a whirlwind of "GO GREEN!" ....everyone laughs at me because of how conscious I've become of my surroundings...I recycle EVERYTHING now...and not just by throwing it in the recycling bin...I actually rinse everything out, tear off labels, etc etc before anything.  I seperate my paper from my plastics and cardboard...and I've been doing a lot of reading about eco-friendly things!

I'm truly grateful that FGCU requires this course.  It's taught me a lot - not only about the environment around me, but about myself as well!!!!

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