Friday, February 18, 2011

busy busy busy

so between 3 jobs and school I've slightly slacked on blogging over the last week...but I'm back now :) Since I don't carry my computer in my purse at all times there's a few things I'd like to point out that I stumbled upon over the last week.

First off, we had our fundraiser at Petco for Shy Wolf last weekend and it was a success! We had wolfdogs at the table with us which drew a very large crowd!  We raised a lot of awareness about the mis-care of exotic pets and promoted our fundraiser event for March 5th and 6th.  I'm super excited - hopefully it goes off with a bang!! (flyer below...I designed it!  Publisher creativity at its finest!)

On another note, I saw a REALLY awesome looking bird yesterday while driving to my second job.  I wanted to pull over and take a picture, but there was no shoulder for me to do so :(  It was large and black with white markings on its wings.  It seemed like it was doing a mating stance or something.  There was another one across the lake but all white just staring at the black one.  I wish birds could talk so I could understand what was going on! LOL...

On a note-so-awesome note, I saw a dead animal on the side of the road yesterday.  At first I thought it was a raccoon or possum (because they are EVERYWHERE)...but as I drove past, I realized it was a cat :(  I called animal services to have it removed from the roadway :(  I have 5 cats myself and it saddens me when I see things like that :(

This weekend is the first weekend in months I'll have a day off to myself.  I'm highly considering going to the beach to clear my head.  The sound of the waves and the Western sunset always calms my nerves and brings this serene feeling to me.  I'll have pictures to post then :)

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